8 Things You Can Do to Avoid Urinary Tract Infection

8 Things You Can Do to Avoid Urinary Tract Infection

Are you familiar with UTI or urinary tract infection? It is an infection in the urinary system which consists of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra.

Women have a higher chance of getting urinary tract infections. According to studies, the risk of having UTI in their lifetime is 1 out 2 women, with having repeated infections for several years. On the other hand, 1 out of 10 men gets UTI in their lifetime.

What are the Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection?

  • Having a cloudy, dark, bloody or strange-smelling pee.
  •  Having a burning feeling when peeing.
  • Feeling tired or shaky
  •  Having an intense urge to pee and frequently peeing, even though only little comes out when you do.
  •  Having a fever or chills is a sign that the infection may have reached the kidney.
  • Feeling pain or pressure in the lower abdomen or back.

What are the Types of UTI?

The infection can happen in different parts of the urinary tract and is named differently depending on its part.


Pyelonephritis is an infection in the kidney. This can cause chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the upper back or side.


Cystitis is an infection found in the bladder. This causes you to want to pee a lot and might hurt when you do. There can also be pain in the lower belly pain and cloudy or bloody urine.


Urethritis is an infection in the urethra. This can cause burning and a discharge when you pee.

What are the Causes of UTI?

One of the most common causes of UTI is the bacteria from the large intestine, such as the E.coli, that comes from the anus and get into the urethra. From the urethra, they can travel up to the bladder and can continue to the kidneys, if left untreated. That is why doctors always suggest to women to wipe from the front to the back after using the bathroom. Since the urethra of women is shorter than men, that makes it easier for bacteria to get to the bladder. Another way to introduce bacteria to the urinary tract is through having sex.

Urinary Tract Infection can also be hereditary. Because of this, the shape of the urinary tract makes other women most likely get an infection. Other conditions like having diabetes, hormone changes, multiple sclerosis, kidney stones, stroke, and many others can heighten the risk of you getting a UTI.

Is it possible to Here are eight things you can do to avoid urinary tract infection?

1. Drink Plenty of Water or Fluids

Drinking a lot of water or fluids will let you pee often. By this, bacteria are being flushed out of the urinary tract.

Drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day of water is advised or any other fluids like sparkling water, milk, decaffeinated herbal tea, or smoothies of fruits and vegetables.

2. Wipe from front to back

After using the toilet, it is best to wipe your genitals from front to back since the rectum is the main source of E.coli. This practice decreases the risk of bringing E.coli  from the anus to the urethra.

3. Avoid Holding Your Pee

Holding your urine can encourage bacterial growth. Always try not to wait for three to four hours to urinate, and empty your bladder when you do.

For pregnant women, this is more important as pregnancy can increase the rate of getting urinary tract infection, and holding the will enhance its risk of getting one.

4. Urinate before and after sex

Sexual activity increases the chance of getting urinary tract infections, especially for women. During sex, the bacteria can easily get into the urethra.

Peeing before and after sex can flush out bacteria that cause UTI.

5. Explore birth control options

Other types of birth control may promote an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. Examples of these include non-lubricated condoms, diaphragms, spermicides, and spermicides condoms.

6. Avoid using scented products

Naturally, the vagina contains more than 50 different microbes. Many of which are the type of bacteria called Lactobacilli. These bacteria keep the pH level balanced and the vagina healthy.

Using scented products can disrupt this balance and allow an overgrow of harmful bacteria. This can then result in a UTI, bacterial vaginosis, or yeast infection.

7. Consume cranberries

Cranberries are a home remedy for UTI. Although there is conflicting research about this, it is a low-risk remedy. Look for unsweetened and pure cranberry juice instead of sugary cranberry cocktails.

8. Take probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that increase good bacteria in the urinary tract and can prevent UTI.If you are showing any of the symptoms above, consult a doctor immediately. If you don’t have a doctor yet, you can also contact online doctor Toronto for an online consultation. Early treatment for UTI is important. Get help now through online consultation. Call Now!